Preventing diseases

 A parrot should not get to his own feces in his cage. (A way to achieve this is to place a grate which is very common in most cages) The material on the bottom should be cleaned daily. If you use a grate this can be done very easily by putting new newspapers or paper towels on the bottom. Fresh food that has been offered should not be in the cage for more than 2-3 hours.

 Ventilation is also important in preventing infectious diseases. Housing more than one parrot in a single room can allow for the rapid transmission of numerous diseases as many of the bacterial, viral, fungal and chlamydial infections are airborne.

     Newly purchased parrots should be isolated in a separate room, for 2 months (Minimum : one month) These parrots should be fed, watered and handled after you have taken care of the birds you already have. Clean your hand thoroughly with a disinfectant and change your clothes prior to go to have any contact with the original bird population.
Have your newly purchased bird examined by an avian vet in this time, make sure he does some tests to screen for diseases.
With a bloodtest you can have your bird tested on any abnormalities in kidney or liver function. Bacterial cultures are also routinely recommended to detect. There are specific tests available for the more common viral diseases. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease and Polyoma are the two most current tests available. Testing for Psittacosis is also recommended since this disease can be transmitted to humans.
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