Handy to teach

We would like to use this special page as an opportunity to to pay special attention to the birds that are sick and send those birds our 'get well soon' wishes.

 This is Pipo, an African Grey parrot. He was operated on his leg because his leg hasn't grown straight. But thanks to a wonderful vet he will have normal legs again! Right now he looks a bit clumsy but only wait untill these bandages get off, then you can see Pipo running again.
We would like to send Pipo our best wishes and hope he'll recover quickly.

Can you help me a hand? I am having difficulties climbing here!     No, this isn't comfortable either..     Look how helpless I am.. Helpless enough for a treat?

For a while it didn't go very well with Pipo: His wound didn't heal properly and he was biting his stitches. Now the vet has put two collars around his neck:


It is going better with Pipo right now, we would like to wish him all the best and hope he's going to be OK very soon!

Zazu is sick as well. He got stuck between the cage door some time ago and he had a sore foot for a while. He couldn't stop gnawing his foot and now he has small wounds on his foot. I got a medicine from the vet, and it is going better already. I have to apply it a couple of times a day and luckily he doesn't mind me applying it at all..


Today, may 5th, I decided to put this thing on Zazu again. Yesterday I removed it as he really went crazy. Luckily he doesn't mind that much today:

I am ti-i-red!    

A week ago, we heard some very said news. Pino, our African Grey friend had been tested positive on PBFD. (Beak and feather disease) We really couldn't believe our ears and were very shocked..
Pino had been on new food for some months now and the only thing we could notice was for him to be more beautiful than ever! His mommy just tested him to make sure he was a healthy boy, because she wanted to give him a baby sister..
There is a possibility that there has gone something wrong with the test so his momy has restested him at another lab. We are hoping so very much that Pino is all healthy! He is such a wonderful African Grey parrot..
This is Pino:

Pino, our African Grey parrot friend..

July 3th: Pino is a healthy bird!! Something went wrong with the tests!!!

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