Preventing diseases

As your parrot reaches maturity you might be facing some changes in behavior. (Both OK and not OK)  I will mention some of the behaviors that are typical to nesting behavior.

Making more noise than usual.

Biting harder.

Flat backing. With or without wing shivering and clucking. Some females also beg for food at this time.

Destructing more than usual.

Regurgitation can happen when your bird feels loving outside the nesting season (just like my sennie) but happens more frequent this time of year.

Masturbation: My cockatoo rubs his vent on my hand and especially when I lay my hand on the couch: He then starts masturbating like his life depends on it!

So what can you do about this seasonal biting? It is very good to keep your bird's wings clipped as their is a relation between flight-ability and aggression and not only during breeding season. My sennie was always very sweet and when I allowed him to fly he became more difficult: He didn't want to go in his cage anymore and when I tried to put him in he'd bite me. (Not very hard) When I clipped him this behavior reduced very quickly.
Make a calendar that shows around what time your bird displays nesting behavior. You can avoid a lot of problems with this.
You should never encourage nesting behavior: You're not the birds mate, are you? You can encourage this behavior by petting your fluffy's back, wings or tail feathers. So don't do this! Petting your birdy's head is OK.
If your bird becomes obsessed with a toy or anything else, remove it.
When a bird is masturbating on your hand (Just like Zazu) you can make him step up and down so that he will forget about masturbation. Don't punish your bird for this behavior and in no means yell at your bird as it'll associate your yelling with fun. (See also "biting & screaming")
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